For the past 17 years there has been one constant when it comes to Marvel movies, and that has been Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. This constant, unfortunately, is about to come to an end. Logan is the ninth and final movie to feature Hugh Jackman as James “Logan” Howlet aka the Wolverine, and it was a bitter sweet farewell. The movie was probably the best Marvel movie that Fox Studios has put out, but it means saying goodbye to the actor who has played this character for almost two decades.
The basic plot of the movie is an aged and less powerful Logan that helps an even older Charles Xavier aka Professor X (Patrick Stewart) who aids a group of mutant children in their escape from an government agencies that wishes to use them as super soldiers. Throughout the movie it is hinted that all of the members of the X-men are dead or missing, giving an overtone of depression and mourning. That feeling, mixed along with the branch of government chasing them ruthlessly, gives the movie the emotional punch to affect and connect to others.
A big distinction between Logan and other movies with Wolverine is the “R” rating. With the success of Deadpool as the first superhero movie with an “R” rating, Fox agreed for this last installment to have the same. During discussions, Hugh Jackman took pay cuts to ensure the rating, giving the cast and crew more freedom. For everyone a part of the production, this movie meant so much for them – the ending of character and story that has been around for the past seventeen years – so being able to stick so close to the true comic was a big win for them. Wolverine is a character that leaves masses of bodies in his wake and this movie captures that idea very well with the R rating.
The thing that made the movie so great was the waves of emotions that the actors portrayed. Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart(Professor X) played the part of two old men bickering tasked with coming out of retirement to protect a new group of kids. With the new edition of Laura Kidnely it only got emotional for the character having to accept that he is once again a father figure and protecting someone when he failed before.
The movie takes the viewers on a roller coaster of emotions dealing with family, forgiveness and acceptance. There is also action that makes avid comic book fans proud. The cast and crew put everything into this movie just so fans can have the wolverine movie that they deserve. For seventeen years we have had the same person play as James “Logan” Howlett. Now that age has come to an end with Logan as the greatest sendoff for an actor.
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